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Version 2.0.0 - July 20, 2020

Moutmout's blog

Astronomy, computers, random thoughts

Space Condoms

Astronauts too can have issues with toxic masculinity

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Astronauts are hand-picked among tens of thousands of other candidates to travel into space. So you might think that once they went through all of this, they don’t have anything left to prove to anyone… And yet…

Pluto isn’t a planet

But that's OK

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Pluto seen by New Horizons

Since the early 20th century, the International Astronomical Union or IAU – an organization that brings together astronomers from around the world – defines the names used by astronomers to talk about objects in the Solar System. In August 2006, the IAU decided a planet is an object that

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PhD, astrophysicist. I play with keyboards and telescopes whenever I can.